- Animation ‘Taoist Mutul’, Drama ‘Deep...
- Animation ‘Taoist Mutul’,
Drama ‘Deep Rooted Tree’
Read about the beloved animation,
Taoist Mutul, which was remade in 2012
and once again gaining popularity.
Find out about the accomplishment so
King S...
- Korean Traditional Game ‘Playing Yut’, ...
- Korean Traditional Game ‘Playing Yut’,
Nature’s Food ‘The Healthiest Food’
Playing yut from Lunar New Year’s Day to the 15th
of January by the lunar calendar is a custom.
Read more about this tradit...
- Best casual game ‘Crazy Arcade’, Drama ...
- Best casual game ‘Crazy Arcade’,
Drama ‘Secret Garden’
Crazy Arcade was launched in 2001,
and still remains one of the most loved games in Korea.
And we introduce the drama, Secret Garden,
a sweet love story t...
- Various culture stories 'Gimjang, NATION...
- Various culture stories
Gimjang is one of the intangible cultural assets
from UNESCO since 2013.
Let's take a look at the cultural assets
from Korea that reflect Korean sentiments
and viewpoints...
- 'Bless', the game with different class, ...
- 'Bless', the game with different class,
Drama 'Bakery King Takgu Kim'
Bless can be described in one sentence:
it is MMORPG for gamers who love and wait for high quality RPG.
Also, we present you with the story of Takgu Kim
who wishes to ...