- Symbol of Brightness ‘Jeongwol Daebore...
- Symbol of Brightness
‘Jeongwol Daeboreum'
‘Jeongwol’ is the first month of the year.
It was the month when people planed the upcoming year
and foresaw their fortunes.
It also is an important holiday that embodies Korea&...
- The People on Korean Banknotes and Pictur...
- The People on Korean Banknotes and Pictures 2
’1,000 won bill’
All banknotes in all states have pictures on it.
So does Korea. But haven’t you ever wondered about the pictures
and people on these banknotes?
So we’...
- The Animation ‘Padak’, Drama 'City Hu...
- The Animation ‘Padak’,
Drama 'City Hunter'
Padak, an animation about how a sea mackerel tries
to escape a sushi bar to go back to the ocean.
City Hunter, a drama that depicts how the famous Korean star,
Lee Min-ho becomes an ...
- The Scientific and Practical Heating ‘O...
- The Scientific and Practical Heating
‘Ondol Culture’
Currently, most Korean people live
in western apartments or housings
than traditional tile-roofed houses or Hanoks
However, even in these westernized housings,
- The People on Korean Banknotes and Pictur...
- The People on Korean Banknotes and Pictures 1
’50,000 won bill’
All banknotes in all states
have pictures on it. So does Korea.
But haven’t you ever wondered about the pictures
and people on these banknotes?